Catholic Education

On this page I will be uploading information related to the Teaching in Catholic Schools at York University in which I find relevant to my future vocation as a religious teacher. As well, I will be updating about resources or tools that I would like to implement and use within the classroom.

Post # 1: Reflection on Heart of the Teacher by Parker Palmer

I really enjoyed reading this article because I think it speaks to concerns new teacher candidates have when entering this field. More specifically, am I going to be a good teacher? Will my students like me? How am I going to sound like the expert or will I look unintelligent in front of my students? However that doesn’t matter because we have to be comfortable in our own skin before we can be a good teacher. I found this article to be very informative of others’ experiences which allows us to feel a connectedness to the profession. This article connects to my experience of teaching in three ways:

  1. At the beginning of the article the author states how in the classroom a teacher can be confused and lost. More specifically, in the quote “what a fool I was to imagine that I had mastered this occult art-harder to divine tea than leaves and impossible for mortals to do even possibly well” (p.1). I find since I have come into the field I thought I was prepared. More specifically, I would have the full attention and respect of the students however it is an ever changing field and completly different from when I was a student. Therefore, I have to relearn different methods and tools that will allow me to be relevant to the students. Ultimately, I find in there will be good and bad days in this field. As well, not everything will work for the same student so we need to be versatile and positive so that we can evoke change and not get upset because with think we are unprepared or incapable in this field.
  2. Another quote is, “first the subjects we teach are large and complex as life, so our knowledge of them is always flawed and partial” (p.1). As I try to plan out lesson or unit plans I find it really difficult to narrow down the topics or examples to use. Instead, I find all my thoughts get jumbled and are too abstract since there is so much knowledge I want to pass into my students.
  3. I was also very moved by the quote, “and the more one loves teaching, the more heartbreaking it can be. We became teachers for reasons of the heart, animated by a passion for some subject and for helping people to learn” (p.10). I decided to join this profession because I want to inspire young minds! However I constantly believe all children can attain their dreams even if they may have difficulty with the content or assignment. They may need some alterations or accommodations however they can do it. So I think one heartbreaking thing I have heard is teachers comments that students won’t survive in university or they are incapable of succeeding. It breaks my heart to hear comments like this because we shouldn’t say things like thaf in our profession instead we should be pushing, inspiring and ensuring they will succeed.

Post # 2: Review and Reflect on the History of Catholic Education

This article described and outlined various pivotal moments in Catholic education. More specifically, it demonstrated the hostility that first began between both Protestant and Catholic schools which led to the creation of the public and Catholic system. This ultimately led to the lack of funding Catholic schools received which required parents or teachers to suffer and pay the price. However after years of fighting to be recognized they were able to get the funding they needed to have both elementary and high schools which wasn’t a possibility at that time.

In my personal opinion this is very important history and information that should be taught to our students. Since I have studied religion in my undergrad and have this as a teachable subject I have noticed individuals devalue the study of religion. More specifically, the questions I am asked are: what is the purpose of this when I could be taking another course? How will this help me in life? Or I don’t get why my parents sent me here religion is useless. I think it would be important to show this history and statements of these schools because it shows how hard the Catholic system has fought to be recognized and established as an institution. This demonstrates all of the effort past and current educators are putting into the system because, at anytime, they could face the same dissolution as Quebec. In addition, many students don’t know that their parents taxes go to their education if they checked off that box on their taxes. This would be important for them to know because it demonstrates how our parents are paying for this education and investing in their future by choosing that particular box. Therefore, there is something they want you to learn from this form of education.

This article informed me about the tension between multilingual instruction. I find this interesting because I grew up in Orleans which is predominantly a French community that has French catholic/public school and English catholic/public schools. I went to an English Catholic school however; was in immersion since my families are from Quebec. I never thought of the tensions that can arise between the English and French. I think this would be important for students to know because it can show them how much our country and teachers have faught to implement the programs we have to ensure a better life and education for their children and students. It can give them a newfound respect for the system as a whole.


Post # 3: Educating the Soul

In this document I find the author is really trying to emphasize the lack of connection between the Ministry of Education documents and the Curriculum introduced by Catholic educators. More specifically, stating how the curriculum documents are written for a secular society without the influence or thought of religion. Therefore, not taking into consideration catholic beliefs although they can take part in the process of creating these document. With this lack of collaboration it results in Catholic education having to create its own documents to create curriculum that is meaningful to their beliefs. Upon reading this document I find it is extremely informational because it elaborates on the Catholic graduate expectations that are to be incorporated into our lessons.

This will influence my future teaching practices because it provides me with deeper insight on how to incorporate religious curriculum  since they provided a variety of examples. In addition, it also identifies the other documents individuals can use that will help provide a deeper insight into designing catholic curriculum.

Post # 4: Personal Mission Statement


To ensure the well-being of all students through creating a holistic approach to education. Ensuring students are actively engaging in with Catholic ideals through community or school involvement.


Post # 5: Curriculum Matters

1. The challenges with religious separation is the idea that it results in religion being taught as a separate entity. This can ultimately result in students not seeing  or making connections to other subjects or course content they are being taught. As well, they may not make connections to their daily lives. In addition, having religious separation can result in hostility from other religious institutions such as, why does canada publicly fund catholic schools whereas, other traditions have to fund their schools by paying their own tutition. In having religion separation it creates isolation that can negatively impact the student or others’. This can be addressed by ensuring their is religious integration by making connection to course content and applying it to the students life. More specifically, this can be done by incorporating reflections.

2. The challenges of religion integration is that not all teacher’s are comfortable or well versed to incorporate this within their classroom. Therefore, a way to stop this from occurring is to have religion teacher’s or religious leaders work one on one with educators to see the simple connection they can make to religious curriculum. As well, this can be done by having the teacher focus on one Catholic graduate expectations for a week, month or for the entire unit such as, being an active citizen. Another issue with integration is it doesn’t allow for the educator to elaborate or deeply explain religion instead it is simplified since they are teaching their own course content.

3. I think it can be difficult to introduce religion permeation because this means that a community has already been established and all children feel included. However, this is never the case since some children maybe not feel included but we as educators may not notice. I think this can be addressed by ensuring you have created a community within the classroom which can then be incorporated and brought into the school as a whole.


Post # 6: Fully Alive

In my opinion I believe Fully Alive Family Education is instrumental in the early years because it help guides and teaches an individual about their faith. More specifically, I remember these moments as a student when we would take out the books and begin learning about the origins of religion or the relationships we should be looking for. I think this is very instrumental in education because it is ensuring children and students are being valued as individuals and ensuring they will have health/happy relationships with others’.

This will impact me as a future teacher because it can be a guide in how I structure my material to my students. As well, this can be resources that we refer too when a students has a question.


Post # 7: Incorporating Daily Readings and Summary

July 10 – this reading is talking about the faith followers should have for the Lord. In my opinion, it is discussing that if we are to recognize or acknowledge the word of the Lord then we are going to receive his help through tough time or in general. For example, this is representing when he says that he will take care of the sick woman because she has faith. This can easily be tied into our understanding of the Lord. More specifically, demonstrate the work of the Lord. In this reading it demonstrates that realationships are mutual between individuals since Jesus Christ gives the teachings then individuals who acknowledge or follow them will receive his help or guidance when they need it.

July 4- talking about the creation of the town of Zohar. More specifically, how the Lord saved a man and told him to flee to the hills. This man was really grateful however he didn’t want to flee to the hill but this town so the Lord waited until he was in the town before destruction would ensue. The Lord destroyed the cities who had sinners. This particular daily reading demonstrates how the Lord will help his followers in any way to ensure they are following his teachings and faith. For example, this is demonstrated with the disciples who were worried about the boat then the Lord calmed the winds by saying you had little faith. This demonstrates how we all have so much to learn from the Lord. He is our teacher in which we need to place our faith so that he can guide us through life through his own teachings.

July 3- this daily reading refers to the time when he resurrected however; individuals didn’t believe this occurred. This is teaching us that individuals should blindness believe in the word of the Lord because he will protect us and has laid the groundwork for our futures. For example, he states thwt he blesses those who faithfully believes in what he says without seeing his work. Therefore, this means that people who don’t question him and follow everything he says then they will be taken care of and follow in his footsteps.


Post # 8: Encyclical- The letter of love by pope francis

This encyclical was very interesting to read because it focussses on the concept of Love with the Lord. Although its major teaching is to focus on the relationship between you and God it emphasizes relationships as a whole. For example, it discusses how Love isn’t tangible because if it is then it means we don’t actually Love. Love needs to be from the inner being and it has to encompass us for it to be real. In having this love it allows us to do work in his name. More specifically, this love can be shown through our passion to give back to the community or spread his message.

I personally can see this topic being discussed as a theme. For example, during placement my MT had a unit that focused on being a good human being. This could be incorporated into this unit by discussing: is a good moral being in love with something for the things they receive? Or do we just love others’ unconditionally without the tangible world? In addition, I think this could be a good theme that is discussed year round such as, what are healthy relationships with God or others’.  This can also be represented in a Catholic school during religious holidays since the encyclical emphasizes that all we have is due to the sacrifices of the Lord.

Post # 9: Catholic Education

This article discusses a lot of ideas that are currently affecting our profession. More specifically, discussing or exploring the idea of combining both educational systems so they are non-denominational. By having the Ministry of education not recognizing this institutions it makes it difficult, in my opinion, to always make the clear connections to Catholic teaching. In other terms I am referring to the idea of demonstrating this to our students since we can have a concept or idea in mind however our students may not recognize what we are trying to teach them. As we continue to become a more diverse country I believe the Catholic education since will have to compete with the public system. As the article stated this can move the Catholic system away from their initial ideals to promote and instill Catholic values, instead, this system would be focusing on enrollment and economics to ensure they have students to remain open which would go against their mission statements. Therefore, with this change in time and increase of diversity how are we as educators able to keep our material relevant, to receive recognition from other institutions, without straying away from our Catholic ideals?


Post # 10: Identifying Catholic Identity

There are various ways in which we can promote Catholic identity within the classrooms and schools. A couple examples would be:

1. Introducing prayer before your lessons or after your lessons

2. Incorporating community involvement in your classrooms. For example, getting students to be active citizens in the community by giving back through an action plan or culminating activity.

3. Bringing the church to the classroom. For example, as a student a religion assignment was to create a sermon and mass in front of the class. It allowed students to get material they were comfortable and they felt relevant to educate their peers on Catholic ideals.

4. Help create societies or groups for students. For example, in University their are clubs and societies for individuals of the Catholic faith. Therefore, you could begin a group that would have this idea in mind.

This is extremely important for our future teaching because the age group we will be teaching are at a very sensitive time. More specifically, they question there faith and are influenced by their friends. Therefore, as educators we need to ensure that we are helping students flourish in their faith.


How do we involve students who may not necessarily follow or be of the Catholic faith? In addition, how we would actively involve students who may be resistant to these activities?

Post # 11: How to Understand the Bible?

Upon reading this article I was really surprised how it states that we shouldn’t be interpreting the Bible. Instead the Bible speaks its own truth on its own and it just needs to be revealed to us through his words. I found this extremely interesting because throughout my studies and schooling I’ve always been told to interpret the passages and word of God because of the way it has been written. As well, they would state how not all of it can be used anymore because it no longer applies to our society so it should be interpreted with this in mins. Therefore, upon reading this article it is stating that the Bible is relevant no matter the culture or society we are living in since it’s the word of God so it will apply to anyone and everyone even though a lot of time has passed.


How are we to not interpret the Bible after years of schooling which has taught me to interpret its meaning?


Post # 12: Daily Meditation

The hypocrite is always a flatterer:

In this particular morning meditation he outlines how there is always hypocrites in this world. These inviduals ladies aren’t doing the work of God instead, they have their own agenda which is that of the devil. Through this message we are told that hypocrites are individuals who always flatter others in the beginning then ask questions. In flattering other people it results in them being deceived by these individuals actions or possible agenda. Therefore, when dealing with these individuals we should answer their questions with reality so they don’t entrap us in their web of deceit. If is through following and interpreting the word of the Lord that true christians are not hypocrites because they are doing the work of the Lord.

We are servants:

In this morning meditation it is trying to tell us that we are all servants of god. More specifically, we have all been put onto this earth to do something in the image of the Lord. As well, God doesn’t give us work that we can’t accomplish instead, the work may challenge us to be better individuals which makes us believe we are unable to be a servant or not worthy. Therefore, at the ending it states how if we don’t accept this work then we ignore the work (I.e putting down our head) which demonstrates we are sinners. However, if we are true servants of the Lord we will actively take part in his work.

Learning to do:

This morning meditation discusses how through Lent we learn and realize our closeness to God. More specifically, stating how we should move ourselves away from sinners through seperation. As well, it also teaches us that throughout our journey we are leaning on the grace of god to help us on our way to give back to society.

As a future educator I feel these teachings allows us to become reflective thinkers. More specifically, asking questions:

  1. Am I doing God’s work?
  2. Am I reflecting the actions and words of a good Christian?


As a future religious educators, how would you implement these daily mediation moments into your lesson or unit plans?


Post # 13: How does God invite us to grow?

This ideas a extremly important for our future vocation because it demonstrates the different stages an individual will experience in their faith. This is important because it allows us as educators to work with our students to ensure the progression of their faith or the cultivation of their faith. For example, this can be demonstrat d in the idea of having group faith. For example, by being in a Catholic school but more specifically, in a religion class it is a group faith where individuals ideas or thoughts can be manipulated or changed by others’ perspectives. Therefore, in being aware of this stage we can determine how we should go about discussing and implementing faith within the classroom so individuals don’t feel pressured or attacked in the faith.


How are we to discuss faith in a group manner when there can be students at different stages and from a differing faith?